"Adult Sensory Processing Disorder:" What greed hath wrought

I am writing this entry in the hope that it will be referenced as well as my other pages on "Adult Sensory Processing Disorder." Look here for more information.

As I have discussed in the past, I advocate a conservative approach to understanding these difficulties that people report. Unfortunately, there are some rather unscrupulous people in the world who have set up websites where you pay money to take a test and then they will tell you if you have "Sensory Processing Disorder." I won't link to those sites because I don't want to drive any traffic to them.

People who are having difficulties may be easily fooled by this kind of scam. It is a free world and if people want to pay money for Internet tests then I suppose that is their business - but I am also free to state that in my opinion sending money to get this "diagnosis" is a colossal waste of money and may actually divert people from seeking appropriate care from their doctors. If the people who made these online tests are therapists, and there is no evidence actually that they are, then they are also extraordinarily unethical.

That leaves you with some unknown people capitalizing off of the needs of others. To me, it is abhorrent behavior. Here is an email that someone just sent to me:


I am "losing my mind" so to speak and think I may have sensory disorder.

I took a test online and had a high score on most items... what do you recommend as the next step for actual diagnosis?

Which type of doctor do I make appointment with? Or can OT administer testing without a doctor?

I am scared and confused and looking for help to point me in the right direction so I can get some relief. I currently see a family doctor for ADD and take meds but it's not helping...

Thank you for your time,

I am sorry that people like this are wasting money on these unknown and online "Sensory Processing Diagnosticians." People who are experiencing difficulties should speak directly with their MD if they think that their current intervention plan and medications are not effective.

There are NO valid online tests for sensory processing difficulties. If people believe that they are having difficulties that interfere with daily life functioning they should speak to their MD who can refer them to an OT who will collaborate with the MD to develop an appropriate and evidence-based intervention plan.

For whoever is posting and profiteering from these online "tests" - you should be ashamed.
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